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  1. The online store is available at www.martynovsky.com, run by Martynovsky Marta Augustyniak,ul. Jana III Sobieskiego 11/18, 40-082 Katowice NIP: 638-168-64-10 Address for shipping: Martynovsky Marta Augustyniakul. Jana III Sobieskiego 11/18, 40-082 Katowice e-mail address: shop@martynovsky.com telephone number to the Customer Service Office: +48 660 311 749. The opening hours of the Customer Service Office are given in the CONTACT tab at the bottom of the website  www.martynovsky.com
  2. If the following definitions are used in the regulations, they should be understood as:
    1. Online Store – an online store located on the martynovsky.com domain;
    2. Seller – Martynovsky Marta Augustyniak,ul. Jana III Sobieskiego 11/18, 40-082 Katowice;
    3. Product – all products offered by the Seller for sale in the Online Store;
    4. Customer, User – a person using the Store, Store user, natural person over 13 years of age, and if this person is not 18 years of age, the consent of its statutory representative is required, unless it has full legal capacity, as well as a legal person or an organizational unit without legal personality, the law of which grants legal capacity, which uses the Online Store, in particular, which on the terms set out in these Regulations place an order via the Online Store;
    5. Order – Customer’s declaration of intent, submitted via the Online Store, specifying: the type and quantity of goods in the Online Store’s assortment at the time of ordering, method of payment, method of delivery of the goods, place of issue of the goods and Customer’s data, constituting the Customer’s submission to Martynovsky of an offer to conclude a sales contract via the Online Store of goods being the subject of the order;
    6. Order processing time – the number of working days in which Martynovsky will complete the order placed by the Customer in the Online Store, entrust the ordered goods to the carrier and deliver the ordered goods via the carrier to the place indicated by the Customer in the order;
    7. Regulations – these regulations, which constitute a set of rules for using the Online Store and purchasing Products;
  3. These Regulations define the rules for using the Online Store, in particular the rules for concluding contracts for the sale of goods in the Online Store’s assortment via the Online Store, the rules for the performance of these contracts and the rules for complaint proceedings.
  4. All goods in the assortment of the Online Store are new.
  5. In order to ensure the security of messages and data provided in the Online Store, Martynovsky takes technical and organizational measures appropriate to the degree of risk, in particular measures to prevent the acquisition and modification of personal data sent via the Internet by unauthorized persons. Martynovsky ensures the security of data transmission provided in the Online Store through the use of the SSL (SecureSocketLayer) protocol.
  6. The customer using the Online Store is obliged to:
    1. use the Online Store in a manner consistent with applicable law and the provisions of these Regulations,
    2. use the Online Store in accordance with good manners and with respect for the personal rights of other entities,
    3. not to provide or transmit illegal content,
    4. use the Online Store in a way that does not interfere with its functioning,
    5. use of any content posted on the Online Store only for personal use,
    6. not to take actions consisting in sending or posting unsolicited commercial information (spam) within the Online Store.


  1. Martynovsky provides electronic services in the field of enabling Customers to set up and use a Customer Account on the website of the Online Store at the address www.martynovsky.com.
  2. The Customer Account service consists in enabling customers to use the functionality of the Online Store after logging in.
  3. Registration of a Customer Account in the Online Store is free and voluntary.
  4. The customer can browse the assortment of the online store and place orders without registering a customer account. However, a customer who has registered a customer account in the online store has the option to: add products “to favorites”, track order history, track the status of the order.
  5. Registration of a Customer Account in the Online Store is possible by pressing the “Login / Registration” tab on the main page of the Online Store at www.martynovsky.com or by clicking on the Online Store to register a Customer Account.
  6. Registering a Customer Account in the Online Store requires filling in a registration form by entering an e-mail address (e-mail address) and a password. In order to register the Customer Account, it is required that the Customer read and accept these Regulations, as well as the Customer’s consent to the processing of his personal data provided during registration, marked as obligatory. Providing data marked as obligatory is necessary to set up a Customer Account, execute and handle orders placed in the Online Store, as well as the correct implementation of services provided electronically. Providing data marked as obligatory is voluntary, however, it is necessary to set up a Customer Account. Providing personal data that is not marked as obligatory is voluntary and is not necessary to set up a Customer Account.
  7. After completing the registration form, press the “Register” button. Then, Martynovsky will send an e-mail confirming the registration of the Customer Account to the e-mail address (e-mail address) provided in the registration form. The contract for the provision of electronic services in the field of enabling the Customer to set up and use the Customer Account on the website of the Online Store is concluded when the Customer receives an electronic message confirming the registration of the Customer Account. The Customer Account service is provided free of charge for an indefinite period.
  8. After registering the Customer Account, the Customer may log in to the Online Store by providing the e-mail address and password provided during registration.
  9. The customer may terminate the contract for the provision of the Customer Account service at any time, without giving a reason and without incurring costs, in particular by sending Martynovsky via e-mail to the following address: shop@martynovsky.com or in writing to the Martynovsky postal address of the request to delete the Customer Account along with an indication of the e-mail address (e-mail address) currently registered in the Online Store.
  10. Martynovsky may terminate the contract for the provision of the Customer Account service with a 14-day notice period for important reasons, which include: a) the Customer’s use of the Online Store in a manner that violates the law or the provisions of these Regulations, b) the Customer’s use of the Online Store in a way that violates the rights of third parties or good manners, c) the Customer’s use of the Online Store in a way that disrupts its functioning, d) sending or posting unsolicited commercial information (spam) by the Customer within the Online Store.
  11. Martynovsky may submit a statement on the termination of the contract for the provision of the Customer Account service by sending the Customer a statement on the termination of the contract for the provision of the Customer Account service via e-mail to the e-mail address currently registered in the Online Store.
  12. Termination of the contract for the provision of the Customer Account service by either Party, as well as the termination of the contract for the provision of the Customer Account service with the consent of both Parties will result in blocking and deleting the Customer Account from the Online Store.
  13. Termination of the contract for the provision of the Customer Account service by either Party, as well as the termination of the contract for the provision of the Customer Account service with the consent of both Parties shall not affect the rights acquired by the Parties prior to the termination or termination of the contract.


  1. The customer may agree to receive the newsletter provided by Martynovsky. The newsletter is sent only to customers who have ordered the Newsletter by selecting the appropriate box in the registration form or order form and have agreed to receive commercial information to the e-mail address provided within the meaning of the Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of electronic services (text uniform in Journal of Laws of 2013, item 1422).
  2. As part of the Newsletter service, personalized and tailored information in the form of an electronic letter (e-mail) is sent to the e-mail address provided by the Customer. The newsletter contains, in particular, information about the offer of Martynovsky goods, new collections, current promotions and other information about goods offered by Martynovsky. The newsletter is sent free of charge.
  3. The Customer may at any time, without giving a reason and without incurring costs, change the indicated e-mail address to which the Newsletter is sent or unsubscribe from the Newsletter by clicking on the Newsletter link in the footer of each Newsletter, entering his e-mail address in the appropriate field, and then selecting the “Unsubscribe” button.


  1. The customer may purchase products from the Online Store’s assortment by placing an order at www.martynovsky.com. Orders can be placed around the clock, on all days of the week. Orders placed on non-working days will be processed on the first working day following the day on which the order was placed.
  2. Placing an order requires the Customer to read and accept these Regulations, which the Customer confirms by checking the appropriate box before finalizing the order. The lack of acceptance by the Customer prevents the use of the possibility of purchasing the product via the Online Store.
  3. An indispensable element when placing an order is also providing by the Customer his personal data indicated in the order form marked as obligatory and expressing by the Customer, by checking the appropriate box before finalizing the order, consent to the processing of the Customer’s personal data provided when placing the order in order to process and service the order placed. in online shop. Providing personal data marked as obligatory is voluntary, but necessary to place an order. Providing personal data not marked as obligatory is voluntary and not necessary to place an order.
  4. A customer who has registered a Customer Account in the Online Store may place an order using the Customer Account after logging in to the Online Store.
  5. To place an order, complete the order via the website of the Online Store www.martynovsky.com, select the area and method of delivery of the goods, payment method, complete the order form, and then confirm and send the order by pressing the “Confirm purchase” button. “. By pressing the “confirm purchase” button, the Customer places an order with the obligation to pay. Before confirming the order, the Customer has the option to modify the order, to do this, select the “undo” button visible on the Online Store website during the ordering procedure.
  6. After placing the order, the customer is obliged to make the payment via Paypal. In the event of non-payment, the order is canceled and information about it is sent to the customer. The customer does not bear any costs in connection with the cancellation of the order.
  7. Information about the total value of the order, which includes the price of the product and shipping costs, is each time provided on the website of the Online Store www.martynovsky.com when placing the order, including immediately before and at the time of approval and submission of the order by the Customer.
  8. After placing the order by the Customer and making the payment, to the e-mail address indicated in the order form or in the Customer Account, when the Customer has placed the order using the Customer Account, an e-mail will be immediately sent by Martynovsky confirming receipt of the order and acceptance of the order for execution. As soon as the Customer receives an e-mail from Martynovsky confirming receipt of the order and accepting the order for execution, a sales contract is concluded between the Customer and Martynovsky.
  9. In the event of unavailability of a given product, the Customer may place an order to purchase the product by entering the Customer on the list of waiting customers (“Notification of availability”), by completing the form on the Store’s portal at the specific Product selected by the Customer. In order to order the Notification of Availability service, the Customer provides his e-mail address to which he wants to receive a one-time notification of the availability of the Product selected by the Customer and confirms the acceptance of the Regulations. The notification is sent in electronic form (e-mail).
  10. Individual orders are placed via the address shop@martynovsky.com.


  1. The store offers the option of delivering the product by courier to the selected delivery address.
  2. The order processing begins after the funds are credited to the Seller’s bank account in the Paypal payment system.
  3. The Customer is informed about the cost of delivery of the Products during the ordering process. The customer covers the cost of delivery of the Product to the address indicated by him.
  4. At the time of shipment of the order, the Customer receives an e-mail confirmation of the shipment with the order to the e-mail address provided by him.
  5. The products are delivered to the address indicated by the Customer in the order by DPD or DHL courier.
  6. The expected delivery time for domestic orders is 1-2 business days from the day following the shipment. Estimated delivery time for orders within Europe 2-3 business days. In other cases, the time of delivery is 3-5 business days. The delivery time provided by an external company may be extended for reasons beyond the control of the Seller.
  7. When collecting the parcel delivered by the courier, in his presence, the Customer should carefully check the completeness of the parcel content, the condition of the external packaging and the condition of the ordered Product. In the event of damage to the parcel, the Customer should prepare a damage report together with the courier, in two identical copies signed by the Customer and the courier. The protocol is the basis for considering the complaint.


The price of a given Product given on the Store’s website is binding on the parties from the moment the order is placed and the Customer receives confirmation from the Seller that the order is accepted for execution, regardless of its subsequent changes in the Store.

  1. The prices of Products in the Store are gross prices.
  2. The store allows you to pay for purchases through the Paypal service.


  1. Pursuant to Art. 27 of the Act of 30 May 2014 on consumer rights (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 134) A consumer who has concluded a distance contract may withdraw from this contract within 14 days without giving any reason and without incurring additional costs, except for the cost of return shipping. Information on the right to withdraw from the contract, containing in particular information on the method and date of exercising the right to withdraw from the contract and the costs of returning items in the event of withdrawal from the contract. The above right to withdraw from the concluded Agreement is not entitled to the Customer in relation to Agreements where the subject of the service is a Product manufactured according to the Customer’s specification or serving to satisfy his individual needs.
  2. The consumer may withdraw from the contract by sending a declaration of withdrawal from the contract via e-mail to the following address: shop@martynovsky.com or by post to the following address: Martynovsky ul. Jana III Sobieskiego 11/18, 40-082 Katowice. The declaration of withdrawal from the contract may be submitted in any form, in writing.
  3. Products can be returned by courier or by Poczta Polska at the customer’s expense to the following address: Martynovsky Marta Augustyniak ul. Jana III Sobieskiego 11/18, 40-082 Katowice.
  4. After withdrawing from the Agreement, the Customer is obliged to return the Seller, unused, with no signs of use, no later than 14 days from the date on which he withdrew from the Agreement.
  5. The reimbursement will be made by Martynovsky using the same payment methods that the Consumer used after receiving the returned product within 10 working days.


  1. Martynovsky is obliged to deliver goods to customers without physical and legal defects.
  2. Complaints should be submitted in writing to the following address: Martynovsky Marta Augustyniak, ul. Jana III Sobieskiego 11/18, 40-082 Katowice.
  3. It is advisable that the complaint should contain in particular: name and surname, correspondence address, e-mail address to which a reply to the complaint is to be sent, if the Customer wishes to receive a reply to the complaint via e-mail, the date of purchase of the goods, type the advertised goods, a detailed description of the defect and the date of its finding, the Customer’s request, as well as the Customer’s preferred method of informing about the method of considering the complaint. Along with the submission of the complaint, proof of purchase of the goods must be provided.
  4. Martynovsky will consider and respond to the complaint immediately, no later than within 14 days from the date of submission of the complaint. The Customer will be informed about the method of considering the complaint in accordance with the data provided in the complaint.


  1. The Seller has the right to refuse to accept the Product in the event of a damaged Product being returned, a return made after the deadline or an incomplete Product has been delivered to the Store.
  2. Agreements concluded via the Online Store are concluded in Polish.
  3. Information and price lists posted on the website of the Online Store at www.martynovsky.com, relating to the goods presented in the Online Store, do not constitute an offer within the meaning of the provisions of the Act of 23 April 1964 Civil Code (consolidated text, Journal U. of 2018, item 1025, as amended).
  4. Martynovsky reserves the right to amend the content of the Regulations at any time. Amendments to the Regulations are effective from the moment they are published on the Store’s website. Amendments to the Regulations do not apply to the order placed by the Customer and carried out by the Seller. The provisions of the Regulations in force at the time of placing the order shall apply to accepted orders. Amendments to the Regulations do not violate the acquired rights of customers.
  5. In the event of a change to these Regulations, all contracts concluded and orders placed before the date of entry into force of the amendment to the Regulations will be implemented in accordance with the Regulations in the wording in force on the date of conclusion of the contract and placing the order by the Customer.
  6. In matters not covered by these Regulations, the provisions of Polish law shall apply, in particular the Act of 23 April 1964 Civil Code (consolidated text, Journal of Laws of 2017, item 459, as amended), and in the case of Customers who are Consumers also provisions of the Act of 30 May 2014 on consumer rights (Journal of Laws of 2017, item 683). 7. These Regulations enter into force on 4 September 2020 and apply to contracts concluded from that date.

Here you can download the Regulations in PDF version download